One of the things that persistently shows up on my Facebook news feed is some very loud and shouty videos from Marketeers that are full of jargon and untruths... These lovely people are prepared to share with me their fail safe sales funnel....

This is the very same AMAZING sales funnel that took them from earning $450 a year to $450,000 a month AND they will give it away for free to me today.... blah blah blah. All you have to do is click the link, sign up with your email address and bobs your uncle you are on your way to being a kazillionaire!
Sounds great, right? No. These posts make me cross for two reasons:
1. Really? $450,000 a month?????
2. The amount of marketing jargon that is used is simply not relatable to the average business owner, so how on earth can they apply the funnel and make their fortune?
I have always been a plain english kind of girl, I like to break things down in to relatable terms and techniques that business owners can apply to their own business. I truly believe that to help business owners succeed they need techniques and senararios that are relatable to the industry they are in. That way they can apply everything they have learned and have true business success.
So from now on I am going to be sharing tips and tricks on my blog and social pages that are as clear as day (not as clear as mud) and I will be translating some of the tricky marketing jargon that is out there!
Watch this space and let me know if there is anything that you would like clarification on!
Hello Social Media provides full social media management, social media workshops to businesses in Hampshire and Surrey including: Liphook, Liss, Petersfield, Alton, Haslemere, Godalming, Guildford, Portsmouth, Southampton, Winchester.